Enola gay video ufficiale

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One of the crew members had a depressive personality and suffered an un-related nervous breakdown later in life. How the numbers were arrived at is anybody’s guess. Presidential advisers estimated the cost of invading the Japanese islands in human lives (American lives) would be in the hundreds of thousands. American diplomats were un-aware of these attempts.

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The Japanese were using back door channels to find a way of surrendering with honor, or at least to surrender and preserve their Emperor. What was the attitude of the flight crews who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Where does the name Enola Gay come from? Is it true that one of the crew spent years in an insane asylum after committing this unspeakable act? Was the action justified? The book this is based on answers many of these questions.

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Enola Gay Hard to believe there are only two comments on this very interesting subject.

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