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There are a total of 28 male lead videos, which will be released later according to sales. Video series: This resource is privately shot, and the resource is the original file watermarked by the creator. PDV-N002 Middle-aged Strong Bear Hotel Cheating Young Woman 2įormat size: 960P 30 frames - 326M (H264 MP4 format compression, this resource takes a long time to shoot, the aspect ratio is 4:3, due to poor shooting equipment, there will be overall noise)Ĭontent keywords: strong bear, straight man, internal ejaculation, pile driver, hugging Mid-aged stocky bear with his lover 2 中年壮熊旅馆偷情少妇2 *One week of video promotion, 50% discount on previous week's purchases Video series: The male protagonist video series has a total of 30 videos, including a group sex of 5 men and 1 woman, which will be released one after another according to the sales situation PDV-W001 Fat man and mature woman cheating at homeįormat size: 1080P 60 frames - 519M (H264 MP4 format compression, to ensure picture quality)Ĭontent keywords: fat bear, straight man, cheating, mature woman, violent fuck, oral sex, verbal molestation

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